Everyone has these images: the ones you can't really stand to delete, but you can't also see your library cluttering up with photos. Fortunately, hiding them from your library is an easy task.
What is hiding a photo?
When you hide an image from your photo library, it effectively disappears from your main photo player (which includes Moments, Collections and Years). The image will always be available in albums and searches.
How to hide images from the Photos application in iOS 10
Open the Photos application and find the image(s) you want to hide.
Press Select in the upper right corner.
Press the "share" button.
Along the bottom row of icons, select Hide.
Tap Hide photo.
All hidden photos now appear in a hidden album under the Albums tab.
How to display images from the Photos application in iOS 10
Open the Photos application.
Tap the Tab Albums.
Select the invisible (hidden) album.
Press Select in the upper right corner.
Choose the Photos you want to display and press the Share button.
Along the bottom row of icons, select "display".